Award Winning Singer Songwriters

Quotes and Stories from Friends, Fans, and Family (page 2)
We love getting feedback about our music, workshops, keynotes, and concerts. Please feel to contact us with insights or personal stories. The songs have a life of their own.
“Dear Jan & JD, You KNOW I love the title “Tell a Stronger Story.” Again, everything in the new song makes sense and gives hope. Yes, the One who lives inside us knows the way. Yes, we can trust in the power of love and compassion. I am always goose bumpy when I listen to your songs and this one is no different. It is so current, so powerful and yet gentle and soothing. Congratulations! I am sending you so much love.”
-Lana Leonard, Gunnison CO
“Dear Jan & JD, When I find a song that consistently goes straight to the heart for so many different kinds of people – young and old, city and country folk alike – I feel it has a life of its own. I Dreamed of Rain is such a song. Whether you sing it or listen to it on CD, it takes you for a ride and delivers you changed. Opened. Hopeful. I share this song wherever and whenever there’s an opportunity. I sang it for a service at the Abbey on the Isle of Iona, Scotland, in May, 2009. A year later I taught it to a rural church choir and a 15 yr. old teenager, Christopher, sang lead, loving every run though. Fast forward to the drought of 2012 in southeast Iowa and the corn is withering in the heat, brown stalks everywhere and the St. Barnabas Community Choir is on the program at a local festival, closing with I Dreamed of Rain. Gary in his wheel chair, Donny memorizing his part since we didn’t have it in Braille, men and women – about thirty of us, ranging in age from 15 to 85 – loving this song, and sending it on its way. Thanks again for all you are, all you do.
-Margo Pedrick, Longmont CO
“Jan & JD, Your words are poetry, and your music is uplifting and heart-opening. When I listen to your songs, I soar above my usual everyday world and smile. Thank you!”
-Dottie Joslyn
“The words to your songs touch me in different ways depending on what is going on in my life, but are full of such hope and love that they always speak to something. Plus I just like the way they sound! Thanks for singing.”
-Miriam Cruz
“Dear Jan & JD, One of your songs in particular, ‘The Spaces In Between Us,’has wrapped me in its beauty and potential since the first time I heard it. I was, at the time, experiencing the paradoxical beauty of feeling so very far away and so very close to someone. That kind of paradox can drive a person crazy—or can help lead them to a deeper surrender into what is. Your words, A gift for you my heart would bring—the sweet release of everything, the breath I take before I sing…very much helped me lean into that acceptance. Thank you!”
– Rosemerry Trommer, Telluride CO
“Jan & JD, I recently left my post as the church pianist for Unity in the Dunes church in Valparaiso, IN. I have always enjoyed everything of yours I have read or listened to. Jan, I particularly want to thank you for your exquisite poem, “Mothering”. I have read it often, understand in the depths of my being, and have shared it with many friends. It is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read (and I am an English major who really appreciates poetry). Although I’ve gone to a different denomination, I still want to keep track of your work because it is so personally meaningful to me. Thank you so much.”
-Karen Leeds
“Hi Jan….I just finished listening to your CD. As expected, it’s beautiful! I am particularly touched by the songs to, and about, your daughters and mother. I am thinking that life moves at too fast a pace these days. There is little time to think, and less to tell your children what you’re thinking. That’s why listening to your music is such a wonderful gift. It takes time to do it….time well spent. I’m really enjoying it!
-Your Fan for life, Pat Bingham, Basalt CO
Dearest JD and Jan, What a delight it is to share how your music has shaped my life! Whether listening to your recordings, hearing you live, participating in one of your workshops, or connecting in between, the feeling is always the same. I recognize the presence of Love in all of the ways that both of you show up – consistently, authentically, every time. Even in the photos and newsletters, that same radiance is there. I feel so privileged to share your music with others, to be present when you’re sharing it with us, and to know that you’re out there giving such beautiful voices to Love everywhere you go.
-Rev. Marcia L. MacLean,
Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Living Palm Beaches, FL
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