Award Winning Singer Songwriters

Already Home
Already Home comes in these formats: CD, Digital Download, Digital Download Instrumental Tracks.
A sumptuous recording on the up-tempo end of the spectrum featuring some of Nashville’s finest artists, master musicians having fun. Here Jan & JD relax into their musical roots of folk, country, gospel, and jazz, with lyrics refreshingly inspired from a broad spiritual perspective. This is feel-good music with depth and integrity.
Already Home
Already Home
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
Great day in the morning, starting at dawn
Bringing the blessings of angels, and singing a song
Spreading our wings in a fresh dream
The wind¹s at our back as we sail awaaaaaaaaaay….
And wonder by wonder as we go
We¹re already home
It feels like an excellent journey before we begin
Perfect strangers befriend us and welcome us in
Opening up in a fresh breeze
The weight of the world is falling awaaaaaaaaaay….
And wonder by wonder as we go
We¹re already home
Joy is a revelation
The path and the destination
And that¹s all that I need to know
The advantage from the start is
That home is where the heart is
And there¹s no place love cannot go
Following the leader inside and expecting the best
The world shows up for the party, and we are the guest
Every breath is a fresh start
We open our hearts, and get carried awaaaaaaaaay….
And wonder by wonder as we go
We¹re already home
We come upon our demons
Guarding the gates of freedom
And they offer a word to the wise
And our old friend the Shadow
He¹s been with us from the get-go
Just another ally in disguise
Great day in the morning, starting at dawn
Bringing the blessings of angels, and singing a song
Spreading our wings in a fresh new dream
The wind¹s at our back as we sail awaaaaaaaaaay….
And wonder by wonder as we go
We¹re already home
© 2005 Foolchild Music & Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Middle of a Miracle
Middle of a Miracle
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
Take it easy, Baby….you¹re in the middle of a miracle
You are right smack dab in the midst of the action
You¹re the main attraction
You¹re in the right place at the right time
You¹re a legend in your own mind
Take it easy, Baby….you¹re in the middle of a miracle
You¹re in the middle of a miracle
When the world outside gets a little bit dry
And the same old same old is passing you by
There¹s a wide world inside that smells of freshly falling rain
There are angels waiting like long-lost friends
Till you find your sense of humor again
Well, you wake up funky like a foggy day
And your world inside feels cloudy and gray
Take yourself for a walk on the wild side, outside, in the sunshine
There are mamas and babies and flowers in bloom
And high-flown strutters with a boom box tune
There¹s a promise in the air that you breathe
Even if you don¹t believe it
You can feel it in the smiles of a summer night
You can hear it on the edge of your dreams
Softly singing in the starlight
Wake up, baby, Everything is all right
© 2005 Foolchild Music & Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Hearts Wide Open
Hearts Wide Open
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
We sat down in the midst of what seemed like madness
But something in your smile was egging me on
We made up a dream, and we called in some magic
Like the feeling in a beautiful song
Well, it was out of thin air… was out of the question
But we were thinking way outside the box
We were halfway to heaven by the time we got to lunch
We were flirtin¹ with the future when all at once it was….
Wide Open
Miracles all over the place
It¹s a wild notion
Like child¹s play when your heart¹s wide open
Following this bliss ain¹t no typical journey
There¹s hardly ever a straight and narrow day
It¹s a wide road to freedom, it¹s lush and it¹s curvey
And I¹m loving every stop along the way
I been changing the way that I look at things
Cause lately they¹ve been looking back at me
Must be some kind of spiritual conspiracy
Like we¹re all in this together, and the possibilities are….
Wide Open
Miracles all over the place
It¹s a wild notion
Like child¹s play when your heart¹s wide open
© 2005 Foolchild Music & Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Wonderful World
Wonderful World
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
What if you knew that you were beautiful
What if your smile was wild and free
What if you knew that you could take your time
And everything would work out fine
What a wonderful wonderful world this could be
What if every step of the journey was just as sweet as the final prize
What if you lost the map, but you found the key
What if your life was so much fun
You didn¹t need to try to get it all done
What a wonderful wonderful world this could be
So give it a season without a doubt
Give it a reason to all work out
Give it a chance, give it some time, give it your best
Give it a ….rest
What if the great big picture suddenly dawned on everybody bright and clear
What if we gave ourselves a break, and let our differences be
If we could just sit still a minute
Enjoy the human race and not have to win it
What a wonderful wonderful world this could be
What a wonderful wonderful world (What a wonderful wonderful world)
What a wonderful wonderful world…..this could be
What a magnificent point of view
Here in the middle of ³I love you²
So delicious, and simple, and brief
What a relief!
What if every step of the journey was just as sweet as the final prize
What if you lost the map, but you found the key
What if your life was so much fun
You didn¹t need to try to get it all done
What a wonderful wonderful world this could beeeeeeee
What a wonderful wonderful world (What a wonderful wonderful world)
What a wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful world
This could be….
© 2005 Foolchild Music & Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Party of One
Party of One
Words & Music by Jan Garrett, JD Martin, Nance Pettit & David Wilcox
Skylight in my mind tonight
A window through the storm
Cloudburst in my universe
A view I’ve never known before
A close encounter with the secret sun
All my darkness comes undone
Party of One, this way, your place is waiting
We’ve been expecting you
Party of wonderful, right on time
It’s just begun
Party of One
Slowly, raining over me
Soaking into my clothes
Street shines with an easy rhyme
Singing in my bones
I hear the voice of a revelation
This whole creation wants to have some fun
Party of One, this way, your place is waiting
We’ve been expecting you
Party of wonderful, right on time
It’s just begun
Party of One
Sailing free, untangled
Through the Bermuda Triangle of joy……
Party of One, this way, your place is waiting
We’ve been expecting you
Party of wonderful, right on time
It’s just begun
Party of One
© 2005 Foolchild Music (ASCAP)
Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Gizz Da Baboo (SESAC) (administered by Michelle Ma Soeur (SESAC),
a division of Soroka Music Ltd.)
Let it Go
Let it Go
Words & Music by Jan Garrett, JD Martin & David Wilcox
I watched it sinking down
The treasure I’d almost found is gone
I had been holding on so long
I had to let it go.
I wagered my heart and soul
All of this weight in gold and dreams
The man that I thought I should be
I had to let it go.
High above the broken opening I see
Light of love is spoken, welcoming me
Now that I remember how this love can be
Full of my surrender, emptying…….
Into the deep blue sky
When it’s my time to fly away
I can release this weight
Now I can let it go.
All of this love I’ve saved,
I get to let it go
© 2005 Foolchild Music (ASCAP)
Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Gizz Da Baboo (SESAC) (administered by Michelle Ma Soeur (SESAC),
a division of Soroka Music Ltd.)
Living in the Heart of God
Living in the Heart of God
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
Nothing is ever lost, and we are not forgotten
We are living in the heart of God
Nothing is ever lost, and we are not forgotten
We are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
Morning sun coming thru the trees
And the green leaves shimmer in the summer breeze
Songbirds singing to the honey bees
Living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
After the dazzle of day is done
The moon makes love to the setting sun
The stars come twinkling one by one
Living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
Nothing is ever lost, and we are not forgotten
We are living in the heart of God
Nothing is ever lost, and we are not forgotten
We are living in the heart of God
We sleep in dreams both deep and bright
Sailing thru the velvet night
Refreshing the soul to the spirit’s delight
Living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living, we are living, we are living in the heart of God
We are living in the heart of God, We are living in the heart of God
Nothing is ever lost,
and we are not forgotten……
© 2005 Foolchild Music (ASCAP) Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Red Rock Canyon (We Go On)
Red Rock Canyon (We Go On)
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
Red rock canyon loves the light, juniper pinon sunrise
And the sweet earth is still damp from last night’s rain
The smell of the sage is a simple prayer rising up in the morning air
Saying……..welcome home again.
And oh, what a wonder, I cannot begin to say
Such unspeakable beauty calling my name
We go on, like a beautiful song
We are carried on great winds across the sky
We go on, we go sailing free
We come shining through, we go on
There are secrets singing in the breeze at dawn, a fresh…….familiar song
And everywhere I look, the world is alive
The soul of the river is one and the same as the holy blood running through my veins
Like a father’s smile in his newborn child
So, stand still, let me look at your face
Everything keeps changing, but this love remains
We go on, like a beautiful song
We are carried on great winds across the sky
We go on, we go sailing free
We come shining through, we go on
(Instrumental solo)
And oh, what a wonder, I cannot begin to say
Such unspeakable beauty calling my name
We go on, like a beautiful song
We are carried on great winds across the sky
We go on, we go sailing free
We come shining through, we go on
Like a beautiful song…………….
We go on
© 2005 Foolchild Music (ASCAP) Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
Down in My Soul
Down In My Soul
Words & Music by Jan Garrett, JD Martin & Ester Nicholson
I hear the music………down in my soul
I hear the music………down in my soul
I hear the music………down in my soul
And the whole wide world is my home
I got a new day…………down in my soul
I got a new day…………down in my soul
I got a new day…………down in my soul
And the whole wide world is my home
I love the silence………..down in my soul
I love the silence………..down in my soul
I love the silence………..down in my soul
And the whole wide world is my home
I feel the power…………down in my soul
I feel the power…………down in my soul
I feel the power…………down in my soul
And the whole wide world is my home
And the whole wide world is my home
© 2005 Foolchild Music (ASCAP) Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP) Ester Nicholson Music (ASCAP)
Feel Free
Feel Free
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
Feel Free Halleluiah
Feel Free More power to ya
Feel Free Whatever ya do, ya know ya can’t get it wrong for long, so
Feel Free To keep on movin’
Feel Free To find your groove, ‘cause you are the life of the party
So, Feel Free
If you’re lonely………feel free to make yourself at home, and in the middle of a crowd,
Feel free to be alone
Whatever you need……… relax
Don’t get yourself bogged down in the facts.
Feel Free……Halleluia, etc.
There’s a wide world waiting………So, feel free to help yourself
And if you get stuck, it’s all right to try something else
In the middle of a crisis……try this:
One breath at a time and you can’t miss
Feel Free……Halleluiah, etc.
We don’t need to be hand-cranking the universe
We got special angels everywhere we go
There’s something a whole lot wiser keeping everything alive, & you know that
The rivers flow, the grasses grow……on their own
Feel Free…..Halleluia, etc.
© 2005 Foolchild Music (ASCAP) Gill ‘n’ Goldie Music (ASCAP)
For Life
For Life
Words & Music by Jan Garrett & JD Martin
She read his letter this morning, and she started to cry
He said, I love the passion in your voice and the light that¹s in your eye
I don¹t know where this is leading, but I know that it is right
Somehow my soul feels pulled to yours, and I want you in my life
And if we show up for each other
And say what¹s in our hearts
Who can tell what kind of magic world we might start
And when we live our lives wide open
We are windows for the light
There¹s so much love when we show up for life
She called him late in the evening, and she got him out of bed
She said, I love the way you stepped right out, though it was risky ground to tread
I feel us coming together, I hear the music that fills your soul
I wanna play in a new creation, Baby, I want a hand to hold
And if we show up for each other
And say what¹s in our hearts
Who can tell what kind of magic world we might start
And when we live our lives wide open
We are windows for the light
There¹s so much love when we show up for life
Star light, star bright, shining through
All our dreams are coming true
We¹ve come through dark generations, traveling so long
Listening for the sound peace, barely holding on
What if there¹s somebody waiting for all those unwritten songs we hear
We¹ve gotta take this chance together, and sing it sweet and clear
And if we show up for each other
And say what¹s in our hearts
Who can tell what kind of magic world we might start
And when we live our lives wide open
We are windows for the light
There¹s so much love when we show up
For Life
© 1995 Foolchild Music & LillyWilly Music & WB Music Corp (ASCAP)
Special Order Information
List of Albums / Songbook / Sheet Music
- Hidden Gems
- Better Angels
- Falling in Love Again
- All These Gifts
- Inside the Songwriters’ Studio
- No Complaints Whatsoever
- Already Home
- I Dreamed of Rain
- One Heart
- Gypsy Midwife: Songs For Soul Retrieval
- Don’t Go Back To Sleep
Available as Downloads Only
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