Award Winning Singer Songwriters

Heart of the Vision Quest
Jan and JD have distilled their long-time experience with wilderness rites of passage and soul visioning into this potent format that can happen in any setting, indoors or out. It’s all about whole-heartedness…soul retrieval through centering, mirroring, and tuning into divine aliveness and guidance as reflected in, and embodied by, the natural world. The insights and deep wisdom of nature are then brought back as a gift to renew and strengthen the community.
Jan & JD’s music winds through and supports all aspects of these gatherings, artfully weaving music and message with practical tools so the participants can continue visioning and receiving guidance long after the workshop has ended.
Please contact them for price and logistical details.
Background: Soul Retrieval
The Vision Quest experience is universal, and common to indigenous people all over the world. From time to time every individual needs to walk into the wisdom of the wilderness in order to mark a powerful personal passage, cry for a vision, and feed the soul.
Jan & JD offer their music and their personal insights as a way to anchor and broaden the traditional Vision Quest experience.
Essentials: Wilderness rites of passage and creative visioning
Participants will get a solid introduction to, and personal taste of, the essential vision quest experience without having to camp, fast, and lug a 50-lb backpack through the woods or desert for 12 days. (Jan & JD say this with much love and respect.) Of course, nothing can replace the deep transformation of the traditional quest, so If you have the time and inclination, please check out Animas Valley Institute and School of Lost Borders.
Formats: Workshops and Retreats
Jan & JD have created several variations on the Heart of the Vision Quest theme, depending on how much time is available. Workshops can be half day or whole day, and there are options for weekend, or week long retreats.
Mini Retreat:
In this 3 hour group workshop, Jan & JD offer a powerful taste of the vision quest experience. Even in this short amount of time, the beginnings of much deep and soulful evolution can happen when we create a welcoming and creative shamanic space.
Nature is a deep and potent teacher and ally. In a beautiful outdoor setting we will do talking staff council, learning to speak and listen from the heart to each other’s deepest longings and intentions. We tune ourselves to the universal energy and find messages mirrored everywhere. Refreshed by the deep sanity of nature and our own wild hearts, we activate our original Divine blueprint, and show up like loving warriors, willing to bring our unique gifts & talents into the world again, and make a difference.
Full Day Workshops and Longer Retreats:
More time will be spent on the medicine wheel teachings, creating sacred space, and practicing the visioning process itself through time-honored traditions and creative exercises.
- Everything is connected to everything else, “all our relations”
- Everything is alive, everything is conscious, we are all in cahoots
- Everything and everyone is a mirror
- Entering the deep unknown tunes the heart and refreshes the spirit
- The quester brings back gifts and insights to share with their people
We understand that we are each responsible for making our visions real. At the same time we know that we can be constantly uplifted and guided along the way by the divine aliveness that is present everywhere. With humor and compassion, we practice mindful awareness, down-to-earth centering, and “Pronoia,” (the sneaking suspicion that everything is conspiring for our good.) Sometimes the light touch goes deepest.
Jan & JD’s heart songs enhance and support the continuing task of living a beautiful and generous soul-centered life, as we bring our unique gifts and talents into the world to make a difference.
Teaching Options
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Hey You Guys, My first and still my favorite song for courage and comfort is “Don’t go back to Sleep”. I was in a hard place and managed to climb out. “Don’t go back to Sleep” came years ago at the perfect teachable moment. The beautiful tune and lyrics and Jan’s fantastic voice travel with me on my iPod so I can be fortified whenever I want. Of course, all of your songs are entertaining and uplifting like no other songwriter/singers. I love them!
-Lana Leonard, “Teaching Peace,” Gunnison CO
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